Whole brain kid
Section: Human Development
Number of pages: 185 pages
The Whole Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies for Caring for the Developing Brain
You’ve had those days, haven’t you? When sleep deprivation, muddy slippers, peanut butter on your new sweater, homework battles, clay on your computer keyboard, and “she started it!” objections have you counting down the minutes until bedtime. These days, when you have to pop a raisin out of your child’s nostril (again?!), it seems like the best you can hope for is to survive.
However, when it comes to your children, you aim much higher than just survival. Sure, you want to avoid those restaurant tantrums. But whether you’re a parent or a committed caregiver in a child’s life, your ultimate goal is to raise children in a way that allows them to thrive. You want them to have meaningful relationships, be compassionate and caring, do well in school, work hard, be responsible, and feel good about who they are.

Whole brain kid
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