Mandaean mythology
Section: History Books
Number of pages: 671 pages
Mandaean Mythology is a book that deals with a rare subject that many are afraid of because it requires a great deal of knowledge in the history and science of monotheistic religions and their roots. The Mandaean religion is still surrounded by a lot of mystery and ambiguity, so how if the subject is (mythology) that seeks to explain, analyze and interpret Mandaean myths, which are the first threshold of Gnosticism and monotheism. This book will be, for a very long time, unique in its subject and will provide readers and researchers with the real keys to understanding the Mandaean religion and exploring its depths away from the superficial books that have been written about it. It places Mandaean myths in a comprehensive cosmic cycle that begins with creation, then civilization, then destruction and ends with death and annihilation, and in doing so, it establishes a connection between the subject of myths and the time of their occurrence.

Mandaean mythology
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