Eternal Return
Section: History Books
Number of pages: 340 pages
The Eternal Return is a book that explains the eternal return accurately, analyzes its intellectual and philosophical beliefs, and reveals the myths that paved the way for it, established it, and formed its symbols and archetypes, as well as the rituals that most people still practice as a kind of eternal return behavior. We see that the eternal return is clearly present today in our behavior and lives, and we must reveal the beautiful awareness of it and the miserable awareness of it, as these two awarenesses are what make it either a material for creativity or a material for oppression and tyranny. On the other hand, this system of (eternal return) has become a haven for fundamentalist doctrines, which have leaned towards Salafism and the past, when it was religiously ideologized and became a coercive and tyrannical system practiced by fundamentalists in religion and politics in particular, and became a negative system. As for literature and art, great creators have invested in it in their works as a deep and significant myth, and in science, its echoes have appeared with theories of the mirror universe and holistic scientists and in the interpretations of the Big Bang theory.

Eternal Return
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