History books

A variety of history books

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ساعة الصفر - عبد المجيد سباطة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Zero Hour - Abdul Majeed Sabata

199 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 478 pages Publisher: Arab Cultural Center A complex journey of searching for the lost self and the lost time embodied by the broken wristwatch...
أوروبا تاريخ وجيز - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Europe a brief history

169 kr
Number of pages: 194 pages Publisher: Dar Al Shorouk The book deals in an interesting way with European history in its successive eras. After you finish reading it in hours,...
الرئيس - محمد العدوي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

President - Mohamed El Adawy

139 kr
Number of pages: 426 pages Publisher: Tanweer Publishing and Media In this exquisite work of art, the characters of the narrator and the narrated blend smoothly, as do the souls...
حضارة بابل وآشور- غوستاف لوبون - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Babylonian and Assyrian civilization

169 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 166 pages   The Civilization of Babylon and Assyria - Gustave Le Bon The book reveals the secrets of the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, as...
أبو الهول - هضبة الجيزة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Great Sphinx - Giza Plateau

149 kr
Publisher: Dar Nahdet Misr Great Sphinx - Giza Plateau
المعركة الأخيرة 101 - جهاد الترباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Last Battle 101 - Jihad Al-Turbani

169 kr
Section: History books Number of pages: 334 pages Publisher: Dar Al Taqwa "101" Every adventure has a beginning, every beginning has an end, and every war has a final battle that...
دروس من التاريخ - ويل واريل ديورنت - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Lessons from History - Will and Ariel Durant

159 kr
Section: History books Number of pages: 184 pages Publisher: Juice Books Civilizations are buried under the sand only because there is not enough rain, as happened in Central Asia, or...
معضلة قراءة التاريخ لماذا نقرأ تاريخنا - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The dilemma of reading history Why do we read our history?

209 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Shaaban Sawan Number of pages: 336 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed The dilemma of reading history Why do we read our history and how to avoid...
التأريخي والسردي في الرواية العربية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Historical and narrative in the Arabic novel

219 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Fadel Thamer Number of pages: 424 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed It is a critical attempt to read the modernist and postmodern Arab novel in its dealings...
شيخ الكار - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Sheikh Alkar

169 kr
Number of pages: 160 pages Publisher: Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press "Sheikh Al-Kar" navigates the worlds of Ottoman Damascus, relying on what was recorded by its historians, scholars, and Sufis,...
السلاطين العثمانيون - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Ottoman Sultans

229 kr
Section: History books Number of pages: 264 pages Publishing House: Hamad Bin Khalifa University Publishing House The book presents the biography of these sultans from an objective perspective and discusses...
التداخل الثقافي العربي - الفارسي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Arab-Persian cultural interference

159 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 272 pages This book is an attempt to study the great overlap between Arab and Persian culture in the first ten centuries of the...