Books and novels

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Studies in research methods in theology

279 kr
Section: Thought and philosophy Number of pages: 400 pages It contains ten studies, all of which revolve around the topic of the new theology and its points of convergence with and...

Mathematics is a mental craft.

279 kr
Section: Thought and philosophy Number of pages: 368 pages The book explains the reasons for turning mathematics into a "mental craft", how to use some mathematical ideas to approach many public...

Nietzsche's philosophy of monetary values

279 kr
Section: Thought and philosophy Number of pages: 380 pages This book seeks to study the nature of the relationship between the “problem of ethics” (establishing a critical value field related to...

suspicious minds

209 kr
Section: Thought and Philosophy Number of pages: 311 pages Suspicious Minds is a good start for those who want to understand madness or psychosis in the modern sense, because it...


149 kr
Section: Thought and philosophy Number of pages: 158 pages The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard's book Repetition was published in 1843 on the same day as another book, Trembling and Fear. The...

Jung and Freud's letters

219 kr
Section: Thought and Philosophy Number of pages: 533 pages This correspondence, which many consider an invaluable document, The New York Times, April 21, 1974 Any reader can guess early on...

Letters to Vera

199 kr
Section: Thought and Philosophy Number of pages: 452 pages It is not just an anthology book that includes between its covers letters from a husband to his wife, but rather...

Sylvia Plath's Letters

259 kr
Section: Thought and Philosophy Number of pages: 543 pages In these correspondences, we discover, after more than 55 years, new details about Plath’s life, who was brilliant in her writings...


139 kr
Section: Thought and philosophy Number of pages: 117 pages Peter Ludvig Møller, a prominent Danish writer of the time and an opponent of Kierkegaard's, described it as "not only one of...

Nietzsche's Circles

149 kr
Section: Thought and Philosophy Number of pages: 212 pages It can be said in general that Nietzsche believed that madness was the usual and natural state that was associated with...

Letters to Felice in two parts

299 kr
Section: Thought and Philosophy Number of pages: 860 pages Kafka corresponded with an unknown woman and always referred to her in his diaries by the first letter of her name,...

sick to death

179 kr
Section: Thought and Philosophy Number of pages: 204 pages It aims to address the issue of despair, sin and faith, and the existential and moral problems that they reveal that...