Books and novels

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كتاب الذاكرة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

memory book

179 kr
Section: human development Number of pages: 280 pages Publisher: Jarir Bookstore The book (Memory) by Tony Buzan, known as the Professor of Memory, is the owner of an extensive record...
من الذي حرك قطعة الجبن الخاصة بي؟ - سبنسر جونسون - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Who moved my cheese?

179 kr
Section: Human Development , Self-Development, Business Administration Number of pages: 96 pages The story Who Moved My Cheese? was created by Dr. Spencer Johnson to help him deal with difficult...
اللصوص الخمسة للسعادة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Five Thieves of Happiness

159 kr
Section: Human Development , Relationship Development Number of pages: 156 pages I have been a student of happiness and meaning my entire life. In my earliest memories, my greatest joy...
كيف تؤثر على الآخرين و تكتسب الأصدقاء - ديل كارنيجى - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

How to influence others and make friends - Dale Carnegie

169 kr
Section: Relationship Development, Human Development Number of pages: 304 pages Publisher: Jarir Bookstore This book is the first and still the best of its kind. This groundbreaking work by Dale...
كيف تحصل على ماتريد دون أن تطلب - ريتشارد تمبلر - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

How to get what you want without asking - Richard Templar

159 kr
Section :  Human Development Number of pages: 211 pages Publisher: Jarir Bookstore In this wonderful book, best-selling author Richard Templar will share with you a set of principles, plans, and methods...
ما أعرفه على وجه اليقين - أوبرا وينفري - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

What I know for sure - Oprah Winfrey

159 kr
Section: human development , self-development Number of pages: 219 pages Publisher: Jarir Bookstore This book expresses the spirit of its famous media writer, Oprah Winfrey. In the book, the writer...
قطع الشجرة الخطأ - إريك باركر - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

cut down the wrong tree

209 kr
Section: Human Development , Self-Development Number of pages: 315 pages In this engaging and easy-to-read work, Eric Parker is your cheerful guide on a journey through science and success. You'll...
قدرات غير محدودة - أنتوني روبينز - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Unlimited Potential - Anthony Robbins

189 kr
Section: Human Development , Self-Development Number of pages: 588 pages Publisher: Jarir Bookstore The book "Unlimited Potential" shows you how to achieve the distinctive character of the life you desire...
أنت قوة مذهلة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

You are an amazing force.

169 kr
Section: Human Development and Self-Development Number of pages: 304 pages In this book, bestselling author and world-traveling success coach Jen Sincero presents twenty-seven easy-to-read chapters filled with inspiring stories, wise...
لغات الحب الخمس مكتبة جرير

The five love languages

199 kr
Section: Human Development Number of pages: 192 pages The author talked about five ways of love, and called them “the five love languages.” By studying them, you will learn the...
الرجال من المريخ والنساء من الزهرة - د.جون غراي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus - Dr. John Gray

189 kr
Section: human development , developing relationships Number of pages: 412 pages Publisher: Jarir Bookstore The book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus has helped millions of married couples...