Books and novels

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القندس - محمد حسن علوان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Beaver - Muhammad Hassan Alwan

159 kr
Section : Arabic novels Number of pages: 312 pages Publisher: Dar Al Saqi The novel expresses the predicament of the Arab man in the absence of emotion that puts him in...
أحببتك أكثر مما ينبغي - أثير عبد الله النشمي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

I loved you more than I should - Atheer Abdullah Al-Nashmi

179 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 326 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Farabi The case of a man with many emotional activities, who views women as something that he possesses... and the...
السيدة من تل أبيب - ربعي المدهون - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The lady from Tel Aviv - Rabei al-Madhoun

159 kr
Section : Arabic novels Number of pages: 324 pages Publisher: The Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing The novel examines the issue of Palestinian and Arab-Israeli coexistence, in a problematic and...
مصائر - ربعي المدهون - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Destinies - Rabei Al-Madhoun

159 kr
Department: Arabic novels Number of pages: 266 pages Publisher: The Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing This is a novel about Palestinians who remained in their homeland after the 1948...
طعم الفراق - ربعي المدهون - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Taste of Parting - My Greased Quarter

169 kr
Section: Arabic novels Pages: 377 pages Publisher: The Arab Institute for Studies and Publishing The novel "Taste of Parting" by the Palestinian novelist Rabai Al-Madhoun is more than a memoir...
يا دمشق وداعاً - غادة السمان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Oh Damascus, Farewell - Ghada Al-Samman

149 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 204 pages Publisher: Ghada Al-Samman Publications I dedicate this novel to my home city, Damascus, which I left and did not leave me when...
أحميدا المسيردي الطيب - واسيني الأعرج - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Ahmeida Al-Masirdi Al-Tayyib - Wasini Al-Araj

139 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 163 pages Publisher: Al-Jamal Publications Today, as I present this collection of short stories, I remember an important event, more than a quarter of...
ألم الكتابة - واسيني الأعرج - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The pain of writing - Wasini the gimp

129 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 134 pages Publisher: Camel Publications The sap of a heart that was consumed by the love of the homeland and the love of freedom,...
الأسود يليق بك - أحلام مستغانمي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Black suits you - Ahlam Mosteghanemi

169 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 332 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation A novel replete with black, because it befits all of us, so that the title becomes an essential feature...
نسيان - أحلام مستغانمي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Oblivion - Ahlam Mosteghanemi

179 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 278 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation Dreams, in her beautiful language that always distinguishes her, expresses her feelings as a female who faces what women...
أسماك البر المتوحش - واسيني الأعرج - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Wild Land Fish - Wasini the Gimp

129 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 164 pages Publisher: Camel Publications Between the desire to live, alienation from the homeland, and the lost dream, the novelist “Wasini Al-Araj” wrote his...
فوضى الحواس - أحلام مستغانمي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Chaos of the Senses - Ahlam Mosteghanemi

189 kr
Section: Arabic novels , romance Number of pages: 383 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation The second part of the trilogy by writer Ahlam Mosteghanemi, after “Memory in the Flesh”. The author,...