Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies

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الإسلاميون وقضايا الدولة والمواطنة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Islamists and the issues of state and citizenship, Part 1

399 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 702 pages It includes 16 selected and peer-reviewed studies, which were the subject of discussion at the second annual conference “Islamists and the Democratic System...
ثورة مصر: الجزء الثاني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Egypt Revolution Part Two

379 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 672 pages This stumbling block affected all the Arab revolutions. He explains in detail the difference between the split in the regime, which is necessary...
ثورة مصر: الجزء الأول - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Egypt Revolution Part One

379 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 720 pages The book's axis begins with a historical presentation to understand politics, society, and the military in Egypt, specifically the rise of the July...
البعثات التعليمية في اليابان والمغرب - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Educational missions in Japan and Morocco

399 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 847 pages The main question in this book is: Why did Japan benefit from educational missions to the capitalist world while Morocco did not? Did...
السلام والمجتمع الديمقراطي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

peace and democratic society

129 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 208 pages The report finds that respect for people does not necessarily require accepting their views, nor consensus on objective opinions, but rather requires understanding...
الجماليات في الإعلام التلفزيوني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Aesthetics in Television Media

99 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 159 pages This book is a study of the aesthetics of television media and its potential to decorate media messages so that they reach the...
الطبقات والتراصف الطبقي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Layers and stratification

209 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 398 pages This book studies inequality between different social classes and plays an important role in promoting a more modern approach to the analysis of...
الافتراضي والثورة: مكانة الانترنت في نشأة مجتمع مدني عربي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Virtual and Revolution: The Status of the Internet

129 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 224 pages It starts from the fact that virtual means of communication were among the reasons for the success of some Arab revolutions. It also...
اقتصاديات الطاقة المتجددة في ألمانيا ومصر والعراق - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Renewable Energy Economics

199 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 360 pages This book comes at a time when the issue of renewable energy is occupying decision-makers around the world. This book is a study...
الوعي السياسي في المجتمع اليمني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Political awareness in Yemeni society

199 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 384 pages This study, which is divided into five main chapters, seeks to highlight the impact of social factors in shaping political awareness in Yemeni...
السياسة لأرسطوطاليس - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Politics of Aristotle

349 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 560 pages The book is considered one of the most important Greek works that have been translated and explained in several languages. Through it, Aristotle...
روح الشعوب - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Peoples spirit

139 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 224 pages The book includes lectures that André Siegfried gave on various occasions and then collected in a book. He was influenced in choosing its...