Demonization - Bulgakov
Section: Translated Novels
Number of pages: 102 pages
The hero of the work, the secretary of the match warehouse, who has removed from his head the idea of "the vicissitudes of time" and has instead planted in it the confidence that he will continue in this work, in the warehouse until the end of life on the planet, finds himself living an ordeal that rarely occurs except in totalitarian regimes, or in Moscow in the early twenties, the time of transition from one regime to another. At this stage, Korotkov finds himself fired from his job under flimsy pretexts. The character who fires him - whom the author mockingly calls "Kalsonier" - is a very strange character, in whom there is something human and something goblin, he takes over the institution and begins to mess with it and its employees, and when Korotkov tries to understand what is going on, his troubles begin from the theft of his personal documents, to the discovery that "Kalsonier" and his group are running the entire country. Then this Kolsonier is not a human being like us. He is capable of transforming into everything that the reader would never imagine: a white rooster, a wall clock, a dragon. He may also dive into the depths of the earth, leaving a strong smell of sulfur. He and his group are capable of pursuing Korotkov and driving him to madness.
The work ends with Korotkov, who refuses to obey, being trapped on the roof of one of the tallest buildings in Moscow. He chooses to throw himself into the abyss, chanting, “Death, not shame.” But when he surrenders his body to the air, he feels that he is flying upwards towards the sun... and he continues his flight until he feels that luminous golden mass collide with his head... and he stops feeling anything.

Demonization - Bulgakov
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