Critique of the Negro Mind
Section : Thought and philosophy
Author: Ashil Mbembe
Number of pages: 248 pages
Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed
He was the only Negro of all mankind whose flesh became a commodity. In addition, the Negro and race were nothing but one thing in the imagination of European societies, as they formed together, since the eighteenth century, an unrecognized and often denied vault from which the modern epistemological project spread - but also the governance project - that makes us wonder if Europe's decline to The ranks of a simple boycott of this world and the demise of racism will indicate the dissolution of one of its major countries, which is the Negro? Or, conversely, after the dissolution of this historical image, will not all of us turn into the new racist blacks that are manufactured on a global level by the new liberal and security policies, the new wars of occupation, plunder, and the practices of creating territories?

Critique of the Negro Mind
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