The imaginary predecessor
Section: Political books
Number of pages: 439 pages
The researcher tries to answer the question: "Does the concept of the Salaf express a real or imaginary group?"; since the righteous Salaf and their actions are always cited in general, without distinguishing between what is agreed upon, which is a source of consensus, and what is disputed, which is a subject of consideration and ijtihad. The author takes what he calls "the Salaf of the Tribulation" as a model for his study. By "the Salaf of the Tribulation" the author means the Salaf who were cited by Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal in the tribulation of the creation of the Qur'an, and he also means Ahmad ibn Hanbal himself, since he himself is a Salaf of the Sunnis, with their different schools of jurisprudence.

The imaginary predecessor
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