Political books

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بيني وبين نفسي دار الرافدين

Between me and myself

169 kr
“ In these papers, there is what was written with the intention of documenting an important era in the history of the Ansar movement. Many of my comrades in the...
مذكرات نيلسون مانديلا - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Memoirs of Nelson Mandela

239 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 493 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing Nearly two decades after I first entered politics, I stood in Mandela's former prison cell...
مذكراتي على هامش القضية العربية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

My notes on the sidelines of the Arab issue

299 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 464 pages Publisher: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies In this book, the author reviews his memoirs over a period of more than half...
الرواية المفقودة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The lost novel

299 kr
Section: Political books Number of pages: 465 pages This book represents a very important historical testimony to the events experienced by Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, the Arab East, and the world from...