Political books

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مرافعة للمستقبلات العربية الممكنة - فهمي جدعان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

A plea for possible Arab futures - Fahmy Jadaan

179 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 512 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research In the first book of this book, Fahmy Jadaan evokes the state of “ideas-powers” ​​that he had...
المحنة - فهمي جدعان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Ordeal - Fahmy Jadaan

159 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 406 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research ordeal
تحرير الاسلام: رسائل زمن التحولات - فهمي جدعان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Liberating Islam: Messages from the Time of Transformations - Fahmy Jadaan

179 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 463 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research The time of Arab transformations since the end of the last century and the beginning of the...
في الخلاص النهائيّ - فهمي جدعان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

In Final Salvation - Fahmy Jadaan

189 kr
Section : Political books Publisher: Arab Network for Research This revised edition appears in this book in an atmosphere of stark Arab transformations and imbalances. Although the symptoms of extreme ambiguity...
أسس التقدم عند مفكري الإسلام في العالم العربي الحديث - فهمي جدعان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Foundations of Progress for Islamic Thinkers in the Modern Arab World - Fahmy Jadaan

189 kr
Section : Political books Publisher: Arab Network for Research This book consists of an introduction, an introduction, six chapters, and a conclusion, all of which involved a great group of active...
خارج السرب - فهمي جدعان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Outside the Flock - Fahmy Jadaan

159 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 300 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research Outside the Flock: An Examination of Rejective Islamic Feminism and the Temptations of Freedom