History books

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حضارة العرب - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Arab civilization

199 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 611 pages The book, The Civilization of the Arabs, chronicles the ancient glory of the Arabs, which is deeply rooted in the times when...
تاريخ الفلسفة اليونانية - يوسف كرم - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

History of Greek Philosophy - Youssef Karam

149 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 350 pages Publisher: Juice Books Greek philosophy has given us the greatest philosophers ever, as they are the ones who established the incense of...
يوميات السلطان الحوادث الهامه في تاريخ الدولة العثمانية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Sultan's diaries, important incidents in the history of the Ottoman Empire

179 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Muhammad Shaban Sawan Number of pages: 254 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed The intent of this introduction is to record the most important events in the...
عمارة المدن الميتة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The architecture of the dead cities

159 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 237 pages Publisher: Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press A journey through that wonderful, relatively unknown and neglected spot in the historical land of Syria,...
صلاح الدين - عبد الرحمن عزام - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Saladin - Abdul Rahman Azzam

229 kr
Section: History books Publishing House: Hamad Bin Khalifa University Publishing House Saladin's life was full of contradictions. He became famous for expelling the Crusaders from Jerusalem, and became the most...
الأسطورة والمعنى - فراس السواح - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Myth and Meaning - Firas Al-Sawah

189 kr
Section: History books Number of pages: 314 pages Publisher: Dar Al Takween for Publishing and Distribution The book includes a collection of research and studies in the mythology and religions...
مغامرة العقل الأولى - فراس السواح - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The first adventure of the mind - Firas Sawah

189 kr
Section: History books Number of pages: 384 pages Publisher: Dar Al Takween for Publishing and Distribution The book deals with the myths of Mesopotamia and Syria...divided into chapters according to...
التأريخ العربي وتاريخ العرب - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Arab history and the history of the Arabs

479 kr
Section: History books Number of pages: 1056 pages Publisher: The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies It includes thirty-two refereed papers presented by participants in the Third Conference of...
1942 - ليوجين يون - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

1942 - Eugene Yoon

99 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 190 pages This novel is about the massive famine that struck his hometown of Yanjin in China's Henan Province in 1942, which claimed the...
البدو والعشائر في البلاد العربية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Bedouins and tribes in the Arab countries

149 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 198 pages The author of the book relied in his valuable study of the conditions of Bedouins and tribes in the Arab countries on...
في تراث العرب والمسلمين - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

In the heritage of Arabs and Muslims

209 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 433 pages Muhammad Kurd Ali delved into the rich Arab heritage from the pre-Islamic era through the bright and dark ages of the Arabs...
في الأدب والفن واللغة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

In literature, art and language

199 kr
Section: History Books Number of pages: 349 pages In Literature, Art and Language by Muhammad Kurd Ali... Muhammad Kurd Ali was called "the scholar of the Levant" and spent his...