Asala House

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لغز إختفاء جميلة دار أصالة

The mystery of the disappearance of Jamila

89 kr
Age: 6 to 9 years Number of pages: 64 pages After a long absence, Jamila visits her homeland with her grandmother. Jamila feels alienated because she does not know Arabic...
سفينة من المريخ دار أصالة

Ship from Mars

89 kr
Age: 8 to 12 years Number of pages: 19 pages Jamal is influenced by the science fiction movies he watches, so he dreams of a spaceship landing near his village,...
كنتماني البركان الخامد دار أصالة

I was a dormant volcano

89 kr
Age: 8 to 12 years Number of pages: 32 pages Family trip to Bali, where the family took a hike to the extinct crater of Kintamani volcano
كيف نزل القط من القمر؟ دار أصالة

How did the cat get off the moon?

89 kr
Age: 8 to 12 years Number of pages: 28 pages Book topic: Adventure, Fantasy, Puzzle, Suspense
ملك الغابة دار أصالة

King of the jungle

89 kr
Age: 6 to 9 years Number of pages: 24 pages The hyena reaches a distant forest and tries to sow discord among the animals. But the lion, the king of...
لغز النافذة المكسورة دار أصالة

broken window puzzle

89 kr
Age: 6 to 9 years Number of pages: 24 pages The neighbors' window glass breaks, so they accuse little Wael, but Sawsan, the smart investigator, was able to uncover the...
خطوة عزيزة دار أصالة

dear step

89 kr
Age: 8 to 12 years Number of pages: 28 pages In a faraway village, they feared an old woman named Aziza, and thought she was a witch. One day, Aziza...
يوم انتظار طويل دار أصالة

Long waiting day

89 kr
Age: 6 to 12 years Number of pages: 16 pages A father promised his son to buy him a new bike, but he came back from work exhausted and without...
عالم نظيف دار أصالة

clean world

89 kr
Age: 9 to 12 years Number of pages: 16 pages A sentimental letter written by a child to his father, the janitor, telling him how proud he is of him...
كيف تشتري دراجة؟ دار أصالة

How to buy a bike?

89 kr
Age: 9 to 12 years Number of pages: 20 pages He wanted to buy a bike to go to school, and when his request was rejected, he decided to depend...
غطاء فريد - الابتكار,الصداقة,الفن,فصل الشتاء,التعاون,مساعدة الاخر

unique cover

89 kr
Age: 9 to 12 years Number of pages: 12 pages Book topic: Innovation, friendship, art, winter, cooperation, helping others With the onset of winter, the girls gathered and decided to...
مشكلة أسامة دار أصالة

Osama's problem

89 kr
Age: 9 to 12 years Number of pages: 16 pages Book topic: Imagination, Friendship, Story Writing, Honesty