Asala House

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زهرة فواحة في المهجر دار أصالة

A fragrant flower in exile

109 kr
Age: 5 to 10 years Pages: 16 pages In a corner of the small garden, Dana's attention was drawn to a beautiful color that she had never seen before. The...
شعري دار أصالة


109 kr
Age: 3 to 6 years Pages: 16 pages I don't like people holding my hair. How do I tell them: No?
يذوب أو لا يذوب دار أصالة

Melt or not melt

109 kr
Age: 4 to 7 years Number of pages: 16 pages An exciting scientific story... Saad tries to play a game of hiding things with his sister Ahd! But will Saad...
لا تتركني وحيدة دار أصالة

Don't leave me alone

109 kr
Age: 5 to 10 years Pages: 16 pages "A quarrel, a quarrel, a quarrel... My brother "Nawwar" and I quarrel every day, even over the simplest things, until the summer...
أمير الأطباء - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

أمير الأطباء

109 kr
موضوعات الكتاب : سيرة الذاتية، التجارب العلميّة،المثابرة ، الطّبّ قصة أمير الأطباء من إصدارات دار أصالة - تولَدُ العبقريّة في تلك اللّحظة الّتي يكتشف فيها الإنسان مكان موهبته الحقيقيّة أيًّا...
كيف أحمي نفسي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

How do I protect myself?

119 kr
Number of pages: 24 pages Age: over 5 years One of the important books in raising awareness of the importance of body boundaries. The book lists a group of situations...
لن أستسلم أبدا دار أصالة

I will never give up

119 kr
Age over 6 years Number of pages: 24 pages Rashad went through a tough time like a storm, when he was diagnosed with cancer. Let's find out how he overcame...
المساعد في فهم النص و التعبير الكتابي - مستوى أول - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Assistant in understanding the text and written expression - first level

129 kr
Number of pages: 40 pages The book “The Assistant in Understanding the Text and Written Expression” includes reading texts to respond to through various and diverse questions and activities following...
قلب أمي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

My mother's heart

129 kr
Age from 6 to 10 years I asked my mother: “Where do I live?” My mother answered: “You live in my heart.” I began to dream that I live in...
لغتي الجميلة - المرحلة الأولى - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

My Beautiful Language - Stage One

139 kr
Number of pages: 94 pages My Beautiful Language series is an educational series for the Arabic language, directed to the kindergarten stage.
لغتي الجميلة - المرحلة الثانية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

My Beautiful Language - Stage Two

139 kr
Number of pages: 94 pages My Beautiful Language series is an educational series for the Arabic language, directed to the kindergarten stage.
رياضياتي الجميلة - المرحلة الأولى - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

My Beautiful Mathematics - Stage 1

139 kr
Number of pages: 94 pages My Beautiful Mathematics series is an educational series for mathematics, directed at the kindergarten stage.