Al-Raqi House

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طه والدجاجة جوجي دار الرقي

Taha and the chicken Joji

59 kr
Number of pages: 24 pages Age: 5 to 10 years Taha and Goji the Chicken - A story for children from the Iqraa series
لما كبر بطن الأرنب دار الرقي

When the rabbit's belly got bigger

59 kr
Age: 6 to 10 years Number of pages: 20 pages Me and the Universe Series - When the Rabbit's Belly Got Big A story that talks about a problem that...
أحمر أخضر أصفر دار الرقي

red green yellow

59 kr
Age: 5 to 10 years Number of pages: 20 pages Me and the Universe Series - Red Green Yellow A scientific and purposeful story that talks about a type of...
من اقترب من شجرة التوت دار الرقي

Who approached the mulberry tree?

59 kr
Age: 4 to 7 years Number of pages: 20 pages Me and the Universe Series - Who Came Closer to the Mulberry Tree? A scientific and purposeful story that talks...
هذا ما أراه من حولي دار الرقي

This is what I see around me

59 kr
Age: 4 to 7 years Number of pages: 20 pages Me and the Universe Series - This is what I see around me An exciting and purposeful story for children...
مغامرة في المنطاد دار الرقي

Balloon Adventure

59 kr
Age: 4 to 7 years Number of pages: 20 pages Me and the Universe Series - Balloon Adventure An interesting and meaningful story about a child named Samer... who loves...
ترى ما هو الكنز دار الرقي

I wonder what the treasure is

59 kr
Age: 4 to 7 years Number of pages: 20 pages Me and the Universe Series - What is the treasure? A story that talks about the importance of the role...
الجرة المشروخة دار الرقي

cracked jar

59 kr
Age: 6 to 10 years Number of pages: 16 pages A story from Chinese heritage
الأسد الطماع دار الرقي

The greedy lion

59 kr
Age: 4 to 8 years Number of pages: 16 pages The lion woke up from his sleep dreaming of a hearty meal. He walked in the forest looking for something...
لا وقت للكسل دار الرقي

No time for laziness

59 kr
Age: 4 to 8 years Number of pages: 16 pages No time for laziness
الفراشة الراقصة دار الرقي

dancing butterfly

59 kr
Age: 4 to 8 years Number of pages: 16 pages dancing butterfly
نورة ورمل الشاطئ دار الرقي

Nora and the beach sand

59 kr
Age: 4 to 8 years Number of pages: 16 pages Nora and the beach sand