Islam and governance studies in the political issue
Section : Thought and philosophy
Author: Dr. Al-Zawawi Bghoura
Number of pages: 255 pages
Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed
Despite the diversity of the book's topics, they share basic features that can be summarized in three: The first is the systematic discourse that looks at the issue under discussion in its historical context reinforced by texts. The second is the attempt to distinguish between religious belief and ideological discourse that has turned the religion of Islam into a special tool in the hands of a particular group for the purpose of seizing its symbolic capital, and then transforming it into a policy with its necessities, needs, interests and arts. And the third is to provide a critical analysis of the totality of the issues raised, and this is not for the purpose of rejection, denial, or response, but rather in order to clarify the limits of the ideas and visions presented.

Islam and governance studies in the political issue
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