Al Rawafed House

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مدخل إلى الفلسفة المعاصرة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Introduction to contemporary philosophy

179 kr
Section: Thought and philosophy Number of pages: 280 pages Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy
قضايا النقد العربي القديم - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Issues of ancient Arab criticism

189 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Mukhtar Al-Ghouth Number of pages: 349 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed Between the brevity of history books on their comprehensiveness and the length and depth of...
فتجنشتاين وفي اليقين - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Wittgenstein and in certainty

189 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Yusuf bin Uday Number of pages: 479 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed An expanded introduction to the last and most important of what Wittgenstein wrote The...
علم الكلام الإسلامي في دراسات المستشرقين الألمان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Islamic theology in German orientalist studies

219 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Dr. Haider Qassem Matar Al-Tamimi Number of pages: 480 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed Our study on ( Islamic theology in the studies of German orientalists.....
صحراء اسمها السلام - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

A desert called peace

209 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Benjamin Claude Brewer Number of pages: 462 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed The book says, “In the mid-nineteenth century, the leaders of French colonialism in Algeria...
سياسات العداوة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

enmity politics

169 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Ashil Mbembe Number of pages: 232 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed This sequel prequel explores that special relationship that is incessantly extending and reconfiguring on a...
رأس المال الثقافي استراتيجيات النجاح في الحياة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Cultural capital strategies for success in life

139 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Al-Shugair Number of pages: 180 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed Human culture in its broadest sense in his daily life has...
خيانة المثقفين - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

betrayal of intellectuals

169 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Julian Benda Number of pages: 279 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed In this book, the author lays his hand on a problem, rather a major catastrophe...
حياة العقل الجزء الثاني : الإرادة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The life of the mind, part two: the will

169 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Hannah Arendt Number of pages: 274 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed In this book, Hannah Arendt calls for not resorting to meditation only, but also for...
حياة العقل الجزء الأول : التفكير - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Life of the Mind Part One: Thinking

169 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Hannah Arendt Number of pages: 287 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed The Life of the Mind Part One: Thinking
تشريح الفاشية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Anatomy of fascism

189 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Robert Paxton Number of pages: 479 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed This book attempts to draw a specialized literature closer to a general discussion on fascism...
المعارضات الدينية لحجة التوحيد السينوية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Religious oppositions to the monotheistic argument of the Sinai

179 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Author: Faris Al-Ajami and Abdullah Al-Ghazi Number of pages: 316 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Rawafed After monotheism, the main pillar of the Islamic religion, and with it...