Life of facts
Section: Thought and Philosophy
Number of pages: 240 pages
The book, The Life of Truths, is a comprehensive study of the foundations of beliefs, and what they consist of in terms of religious, emotional, rational, and collective elements, with an interesting discussion of the transformations that individual beliefs face when they become collective, and the transformations that religion encounters when it is transferred from one nation to another. The book includes precise discussions of ethics, the doubts surrounding ethics, the weakness of the value of ethics based on reason and science, and the real factors that form collective and individual ethics. Le Bon devotes a chapter to research in the circle of rational truths, so he discusses philosophy and science; he talks about emotional and utilitarian philosophies, and the real value of philosophy. He talks about the scientific construction of knowledge, and the limits of what can be known; he usually arrives at results that contradict what researchers from philosophical and scientific schools have agreed upon.

Life of facts
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