Arabic novels

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أنتيخريستوس - د.أحمد خالد مصطفى - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Antichristos - Dr. Ahmed Khaled Mostafa

169 kr
Section: Arabic novels , realistic Number of pages: 363 pages Publisher: Juice Books We are finally alone.. You and I.. Finally alone with you And I became your possession..and your...
أنتيخريستوس الجزء الثاني - د.أحمد خالد مصطفى - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Antichristos, Part Two - Dr. Ahmed Khaled Mustafa

179 kr
Section: Arabic novels , realistic Publisher: Juice Books This part will not be a sequel to what the first part concluded. Rather, it will deal with different and separate historical...
وادي الذئاب المنسية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Valley of the Forgotten Wolves

169 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 269 pages In a land ruled by the Heavenly Witness, humans, wolves, and the cursed lived in peace for thousands of years before a...
قواعد جارتين - عمرو عبد الحميد - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Two Neighbors Rules - Amr Abdel Hamid

159 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 273 pages Publisher: Juice Books What if you find yourself in a land where the maximum you can reach is fifty years .. This...
أرض زيكولا - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Land of Zikola - Amr Abdel Hamid

159 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 272 pages Publisher: Juice Books Have you ever tried dealing with a currency other than paper currencies? Not metal and not gold...wealth here is...
قزم مينورا - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Minora dwarf

159 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 320 pages Minora Dwarf by Mona Salama He embarked on a journey to find his lost identity, accompanied by that stubborn, moody rebel, in...
كويكول - د. حنان لاشين - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Kwikol - Dr. Hanan Lashin

159 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 384 pages Publisher: Juice Books He turned around and unleashed his legs, he was running almost racing the wind that blew his face, he...
هادم الأساطير - د.أحمد خالد توفيق - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The destroyer of legends - Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfik

139 kr
Section: Arabic novels , fictional Number of pages: 160 pages Publisher: Kayan Publishing and Distribution When the truth collides with the entertaining imagination, the imagination certainly wins. This is how...
أبعد من واق الواق أقرب من حبل الوريد - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Farther than the diaphragm, closer than the jugular vein

109 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 119 pages   The sweetest narration is that which is farther than a waq waq, and closer than the pulse of the jugular vein....
واحة اليعقوب - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

واحة اليعقوب

169 kr
وُلدنا بلا جفون، في مكانٍ لا يعرف الرحمة. ففي واحة اليعقوب، رمشة جفنٍ واحدة تعني الموت، ومع اختفاء الظلال التي تحمينا، صار البقاء مجرد مسألة وقت. تأخذك أحداث الرواية في...
خيال لا ينقطع - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Endless imagination

249 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 336 pages   Scheherazade wanted the narrative to perform two functions at once; the first was to suspend Shahryar’s interest in telling him stories,...
أشياء رائعة - ريم بسيوني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Wonderful Things - Reem Bassiouni

119 kr
Section: Arabic novels , fiction Number of pages: 288 pages Publisher: Dar Nahdet Misr The novel revolves around Asmaa, the peasant widow who represents the earth, who refuses to surrender...