Books and novels

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العصافير لا تملك تأشيرة دخول - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Birds do not have an entry visa.

129 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 157 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation As is his poetry, so are his words, Nizar Qabbani: They are birds that do not require an entry visa,...
كل عام وأنت حبيبتي - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Every year you are my love - Nizar Qabbani

129 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 120 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation Every year you are my love - Nizar Qabbani
هكذا أكتب تاريخ النساء - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

This is how I write the history of women - Nizar Qabbani

129 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 96 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation Diwan (This is how I write the history of women) issued by Nawfal Publishing House is by the contemporary Syrian...
الرسم بالكلمات - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Drawing with words - Nizar Qabbani

129 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 156 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation Diwan (Painting with Words) issued by Nawfal Publishing House is by the contemporary Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani, who is classified...
أشعار خارجة عن القانون - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Outlaw poems

129 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 132 pages The collection (Poems Outside the Law) issued by Noufel Publishing House is by the contemporary Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani, who is classified as...
قصائد متوحشة - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Savage poems - Nizar Qabbani

119 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 96 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation The collection (Wild Poems) issued by Noufel Publishing House is by the contemporary Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani, who is classified...
الحب لا يقف على الضوء الأحمر - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Love does not stop at a red light - Nizar Qabbani

139 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 168 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation Divan (Love does not stand on the red light) issued by the Nawfal Publishing House is by the contemporary Syrian...
قالت لي السمراء - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The brunette told me - Nizar Qabbani

139 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 132 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation Diwan (The Samra Said to Me) issued by the Nawfal Publishing House is by the contemporary Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani,...
كتاب الحب - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Book of Love - Nizar Qabbani

129 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 192 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation Diwan (The Book of Love) issued by Nawfal Publishing House is by the contemporary Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani, who is...
مئة رسالة حب - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

One Hundred Love Letters - Nizar Qabbani

139 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 192 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation Diwan (One Hundred Love Letters) issued by Nawfal Publishing House is by the contemporary Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani, who is...
أحبك والبقية تأتي - نزار قباني - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

I love you and the rest will come - Nizar Qabbani

139 kr
Section: Poetry Number of pages: 108 pages Publisher: Novel Foundation Let me add you a new letter on the letters of the alphabet Let me contradict myself a bit I...