Mental transformation of peoples
Section: Psychology
Number of pages: 377 pages
The Mental Transformation of Peoples: The First Consequences of the War of 1916 by Gustave Le Bon... This book falls within the context of the conceptual clarification of the book "Psychological Lessons from the European War". Accordingly, if Le Bon in the first book included a large number of letters and telegrams in order to understand the truth of what happened before the outbreak of the World War, then in this book he sought to clarify the prospective consequences that could result from it
Mental transformation is the value on which the development of any country depends. The availability of the same mental structure, in the same circumstances or in the midst of different circumstances, is likely to lead to the same consequences. To this end, Le Bon identified three mentalities, two of which witnessed a noticeable change, while the third mentality was in a position between the two positions. The author first presents the pacifist mentality that ruled Europe and sought not to engage in war, and prevented France, for example, from preparing for it. Le Bon reviews, through an analysis of the events of the Great War, what he calls the mental development of the nations that entered the war and benefited from its costly experiences.

Mental transformation of peoples
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