Books and novels

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فكر السيرة: قراءة ثقافية معاصرة للسيرة النبوية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Biography Thought: A Contemporary Cultural Reading of the Prophet's Biography

159 kr
Publisher: Dar Al-Mashreq This book came to re-read the biography of the Prophet from an intellectual, political and cultural point of view, and the author preceded the two great sheikhs...
في ظلال رمضان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

In the shadows of Ramadan

99 kr
This book is an attempt to contemplate the Qur’an and Ramadan... Looks at the meanings, orbits and purposes... In man's relationship with the pillars of his religion; and by the...
المراقبة السائلة - زيجمونت باومان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Liquid Monitoring - Zygmunt Baumann

149 kr
Department: Psychology Number of pages: 356 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research In light of the tremendous technological development in the world of communications, the dialogue between Baumann and David...
الخوف السائل - زيجمونت باومان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Liquid Fear - Zygmunt Baumann

149 kr
Department: Psychology Number of pages: 242 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research Western culture made many promises, including the promise to eradicate fear from the world and subject it to...
الأزمنة السائلة - زيجمونت باومان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Liquid Times - Zygmunt Baumann

119 kr
Department: Psychology Number of pages: 128 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research In light of the movement of liquidity, everything can happen, but nothing we can do with confidence and...
خيرة العقول المسلمة في القرن العشرين - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The best Muslim minds in the twentieth century

119 kr
Section : Political books Publisher: Arab Network for Research This is a light-reading treatise with dense content, in which Muhammad ibn al-Mukhtar al-Shanqeeti introduces a number of the best Muslim minds...
الحب السائل: هشاشة الروابط الانسانية - زيجمونت باومان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Liquid Love: The Fragility of Human Bonds - Zygmunt Baumann

139 kr
Department: Psychology Number of pages: 162 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research A 2003 book by Zygmunt Baumann discusses human relationships in the fluid modern world ISBN: 9786144311936
الحياة السائلة - زيجمونت باومان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Liquid Life - Zygmunt Baumann

139 kr
Department: Psychology Number of pages: 206 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research The Book of Liquid Life is an explanatory text that downloads the overall framework of liquid modernity on...
الحداثة السائلة - زيجمونت باومان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Liquid Modernism - Zygmunt Baumann

139 kr
Department: Psychology Number of pages: 303 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research Liquid modernity is the belief that change is the only constant and that uncertainty is the only certainty,...
قواعد في الممارسة السياسية - جاسم سلطان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Rules in Political Practice - Jassim Sultan

109 kr
Section : Thought and philosophy Number of pages: 182 pages Publisher: Arab Network for Research The book includes a set of basic rules divided into three sections: Section One: rules related...
خطوتك الأولى نحو فهم الاقتصاد - جاسم سلطان - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Your first step towards understanding the economy - Jassim Sultan

109 kr
Section : Social sciences Publisher: Arab Network for Research This book comes as one of the building blocks of the Leaders’ Toolkit series, as a contribution to arranging the knowledge map...