Books and novels

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شيفرة بلال - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Bilal's code

159 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 396 pages Being affected by the story of Bilal ibn Rabah is one thing, but for your entire life to change because of it...
طيف الحلاج - مقبول العلوي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Taif al-Hallaj - Maqbool Al-Alawi

199 kr
Section : Arabic novels Number of pages: 254 pages Publisher: Dar Al Saqi There is an overwhelming presence of the Sufi al-Hallaj’s personality, not only in recalling his story and tragedy,...
ليطمئن قلبي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

To reassure my heart - Adham Sharkawy

189 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 338 pages Publisher: Juice Books The novel takes us on a journey to see Islam in Andalusia, and the Islamic civilization that excelled in...
غربة الياسمين - د.خولة حمدي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Alienation of Jasmine - Dr. Khawla Hamdi

159 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 268 pages Publisher: Kayan Publishing and Distribution When they talked about travel for the first time, her mother, Fatima, spoke with some philosophy. I...
جارة الوادي - د.محمود ماهر - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Valley's Neighbor - Dr. Mahmoud Maher

159 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 485 pages Publisher: Juice Books In the novel, we will learn about the last days of Seville, who defended it? Who betrayed her? How...
زمن الخيول البيضاء - إبراهيم نصر الله - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Time of the White Horses - Ibrahim Nasrallah

189 kr
Section: Arabic novels , historical fiction Number of pages: 511 pages Publisher: Arab House for Science Publishers The novel The Time of the White Horses deals with the story of...
هادم الأساطير - د.أحمد خالد توفيق - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The destroyer of legends - Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfik

139 kr
Section: Arabic novels , fictional Number of pages: 160 pages Publisher: Kayan Publishing and Distribution When the truth collides with the entertaining imagination, the imagination certainly wins. This is how...
وساوس وهلاوس - د.أحمد خالد توفيق - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Obsessions and hallucinations - Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfik

129 kr
Section: Arabic novels , articles Number of pages: 230 pages Publisher: Kayan Publishing and Distribution There is no doubt that doubting everything may lead a person to more dangerous and complex...
الغث من القول - د.أحمد خالد توفيق - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Less to say - Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq

149 kr
Section: Arabic novels , Arabic literature Number of pages: 228 pages Publisher: Kayan Publishing and Distribution "Al-Gath Min Al-Qawl" is a collection of articles by Professor "Ahmed Khaled Tawfik" that were...
د.أحمد خالد توفيق - E.S.P - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfik - ESP

129 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 216 pages Publisher: Kayan Publishing and Distribution My name is (Hind Al Shafei) .. I have a talent that enables me to find the truth...
نبض - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Pulse - Adham Sharkawy

169 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 266 pages Publisher: Kalimat House for Publishing and Distribution The novel falls into four chapters, in the first chapter it tells about the war...
فلتغفري - أثير عبد الله النشمي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Forgive me - Atheer Abdullah Al-Nashmi

169 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 232 pages Publisher: Dar Al-Farabi I asked you that day if you were a tomboy, I remember how you raised your head, and how...