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رسائل من الصحابة
179 kr
رسائل من الصحابة هذا الدين لم يصلنا على طبق من ذهب وإنَّما على طبق من تَعَبٍ ! لقد وصلنا على أجساد الصحابة التي نخَرَتْها الرماح، وقطعتها السيوف ! وصلنا على...
رسائل من النبي
179 kr
رسائل من النبي هذه ثلاثمئة رسالة من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، اخترت أن تكون شاملة كلَّ مناحي الحياة: في العلاقات والمعاملات، والحب، والزواج، والعائلة، والجيران، والعمل، والأصحاب! ربطتها...
Messages from the Qur'an - Adham Sharkawy
189 kr
Section : Arabic novels
Number of pages: 288 pages
Publisher: Kalimat House for Publishing and Distribution
It is a collection of texts containing wisdom, advice and guidance from the Holy Qur’an
خمسون قانون للحب
189 kr
خمسون قانونًا للحب غَرِيبٌ هو الحُبُّ، واللهِ غريب! وقد يُودِي بالفارسِ الشُّجاع رِمشٌ رقيقٌ. يفعلُ به فعلَ السُّيوف القاطعة. فسبحان من أعطى الغزلان من النِّساء رقَّةً يصْطدنَ بها الأُسُود من...
To the broken-hearted - Adham Sharqawi
199 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 304 pages Publisher: Kalimat Publishing and Distribution House As long as things don't scratch my dignity, and don't break my pride, I hold on! But the...
To reassure my heart - Adham Sharkawy
189 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 338 pages Publisher: Juice Books The novel takes us on a journey to see Islam in Andalusia, and the Islamic civilization that excelled in...
With the Prophet - Adham Sharkawy
179 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 288 pages Publisher: Kalimat Publishing and Distribution House The story is a beautiful literature, so what if it was in the presence of a prophet? Listening...
In the footsteps of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace - Adham Sharkawy
179 kr
Section : Arabic novels Publisher: Kalimat House for Publishing and Distribution This is for the day of revelation when I was not present To hold you to my heart while you tremble!...
Peace be upon you, my friend - Adham Sharkawy
199 kr
Section: Arabic Novels Number of pages: 338 pages Publisher: Kalimat Publishing and Distribution House My friend Not everyone who comforts you is free from sadness Perhaps he knew what it meant...
Pulse - Adham Sharkawy
169 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 266 pages Publisher: Kalimat House for Publishing and Distribution The novel falls into four chapters, in the first chapter it tells about the war...
Certain news - Adham Sharkawy
169 kr
Section : Arabic novels , texts, articles Number of pages: 391 pages Publisher: Kalimat House for Publishing and Distribution They are articles written by the writer during the past year in...
Sperm - Adham Sharkawy
169 kr
Section: Arabic novels Number of pages: 326 pages Publisher: Dar Kalimat for Publishing and Distribution The events of the novel take place in Gaza. As for time, it is a...