kids stories

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القيمة الأخلاقية (الامتنان) - لن أستشير المتشائم - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Moral value (gratitude) - I wouldn't consult the pessimist

59 kr
Number of pages: 32 pages Publisher: Dar Nahdet Misr The story of a young king named "Rayhan" who has a high degree of intelligence and wisdom, and loves his country very...
القيمة الأخلاقية (الصدق) - الملك الحكيم - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Moral value (honesty) - wise king

59 kr
Number of pages: 24 pages Publisher: Dar Nahdet Misr King "Olagon" puts his people in front of a great challenge when he invites people to meet with him in a large...
القيمة الأخلاقية - يوسف و البالونة السحرية - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Moral value - Joseph and the magic balloon

59 kr
Number of pages: 24 pages Publisher: Dar Nahdet Misr Moral Value (Freedom from Obstructing Thoughts) - Joseph and the Magic Balloon ISBN: 9789771450863
القيمة الأخلاقية (الغفران) - خطابات إلى بنوره - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Moral Value (Forgiveness) - Letters to Benourah

59 kr
Number of pages: 24 pages Publisher: Dar Nahdet Misr Bannoura felt guilt and sadness when she accidentally threw the ball at a young child, and his eyes hurt and he cried....
القيمة الأخلاقية (تحمل المسؤولية) - ميمون - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Moral value (take responsibility) - auspicious

59 kr
Number of pages: 24 pages Publisher: Dar Nahdet Misr “Maymoon” is a young child who was asked by his grandfather, “Salman”, who is a hundred years old, to share with their...