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عقيدة الصدمة - نعومي كلاين - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein

279 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 756 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing A book that may not explain what is happening in terms of natural disasters; But...
فن التجسس - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The art of spying

219 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 396 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing A book on global espionage that reviews the time period that the writer spent spying...
الصراع الدولي للسيطرة على الشرق الأوسط - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

The international struggle for control of the Middle East

179 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 608 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing A careful and objective analysis of the conflict that has been going on for two...
صناعة المستقبل - نعوم تشومسكي - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Making the Future - Noam Chomsky

159 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 284 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing Articles that were banned from publication, and articles that were published but were obscured because...
مذكرات هيلاري كلنتون-خيارات صعبة - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Hillary Clinton's Memoirs

269 kr
Section : Political books Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing It is the experience of Hillary Clinton when she assumed the position of Secretary of State during the Obama era,...
مذكرات جورج دبليو بوش بقلمه - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Memoirs of George W. Bush

289 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 682 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing Memoirs of George W. Bush
مذكرات البيت الأبيض - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

White House Memoirs

279 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 728 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing January 20/77 Carter is inaugurated as president June 7/87 His speech in Annapolis on US-Russian...
القياصرة الأميركيون - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

American Caesars

269 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 740 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing Nagel Hamilton, the most famous biographer in the world, puts his vast experience and accurate...
مذكرات نيلسون مانديلا - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Memoirs of Nelson Mandela

239 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 493 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing Nearly two decades after I first entered politics, I stood in Mandela's former prison cell...
أميركا والقوى الصاعدة السياسة الأميركية تجاه دول بريكس - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

America and the rising powers US policy towards the BRICS countries

229 kr
Section : Political books Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing The book covers, with tables, figures, documents and scientific comparisons, the capabilities of each of the mentioned countries and measures...
المقاومة المدنية في الربيع العربي-الانتصارات والكوارث - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Civil Resistance in the Arab Spring: Triumphs and Disasters

189 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 492 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing The end of 2010 marked the beginning of a series of dramatic events that led...
صراعات الجيل الخامس - ArabiskaBazar - أرابيسكابازار

Fifth generation struggles

209 kr
Section : Political books Number of pages: 358 pages Publisher: Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing The scale of political and military change in the past quarter-century has been astonishing in...