On revolution and the ability to revolutionize
Section: Political books
Number of pages: 240 pages
This study belongs to the field of political thought, which aims to formulate a critical theory that addresses the definition of the term revolution with a contemporary scientific definition, and its rooting in Arab thought. To this end, the author returned to the word "revolution" as it appeared in Arab historical sources. He noted that the Arabs did not use the word "revolution" in the sense that this word carries in our current era, but rather used words such as "exodus" and "sedition", so it was said "exodus of the Qarmatians" or "sedition of the Zanj". The author points out that going out against the group is reprehensible, but going out against the sultan has opinions. Going out means going out to seek the truth. In this field of historical-political thought, the author presents the opinions of Ibn Khaldun, Al-Mawardi, Ibn Taymiyyah, Abu Mujahid Al-Basri, and others.

On revolution and the ability to revolutionize
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