The Civil State: Towards Overcoming Tyranny and Achieving the Objectives of Sharia
Section : Political books
Author: Dr. Jasser Auda
Number of pages: 319 pages
Publisher: Arab Network for Research
In this context, Dr. Jasser Odeh criticizes the current Islamic dissertations in the field of "politics", and tries to visualize broad lines for a pluralistic civil model. For him, this goal is a temporary goal and not the end of the desired reform, which is not complete without overcoming these imported mini-states themselves, a transgression that does not contradict the national feeling as it passed. The author also believes that it is necessary to return to a form of Islamic unity that is broad and influential in the course of humanity. In his opinion, this general unity will not be achieved without a civil step for the state, getting rid of the nightmare of tyranny in all its forms, and redefining the political system as a means to achieve the interests of the people and the policy of their diversity with wisdom and tolerance.
ISBN: 9786144311103 |

The Civil State: Towards Overcoming Tyranny and Achieving the Objectives of Sharia
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